-Clothes: - Gorsimi - Soneiro Bodysuit
Rigged for:
Legacy, Perky
Ebody Reborn, Juicy, Mounds
-Halo: CODEX_Aurys Aura Crown
Comes with:
HUD with 6 color for snakes and aura rays
Resize options
-Hair: Foxy - Insomnia Hair
Comes with:
HUD for Colors, Style as other options
Optional Bang with 2 lengths
Two toned
Sizes for Lelutka, Genus & Catwa
*°★Other Items★°*
Head: Lelutka Avalon 3.1
Body: Legacy Body
Rings: ~~ Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Set Rings Melina :.
Nails: + Demonic Touch + {aii & ego}